360° International media coverage on
Daily Newsletter on Business

Get 360° International media coverage on Daily Newsletter on Business. Online media, print media, audio-visual media, and social networks. 24x7 News Alerts. Media analyses and insights. APIs and Automation.


Online News Monitor on Daily Newsletter on Business

Get news headlines on Daily Newsletter on Business from websites of mainstream newspapers, magazines and independent news portals around the world. We monitor news media from all metro cities and major state capitals.

Quick access of content on Daily Newsletter on Business freely available on public internet. It does not provide content behind paywalls.

Automatic Service allows you specify keywords and deploy powerful queries to select news headlines.

You can choose manual review to curate the selection of headlines. The headlines on Daily Newsletter on Business can be organised into thematic sections and prioritised as per need.

A brief summary of each news item can be provided.


Print Media Monitor on Daily Newsletter on Business

Get Press clippings on Daily Newsletter on Business from mainstream newspapers, magazines and trade press around the world.

Also get full text content of the articles, and not just headlines. It also includes content behind paywalls.

The press clippings on Daily Newsletter on Business can be organised into thematic sections and prioritised as per need.


TV News Monitor on Daily Newsletter on Business

Get audio-visual recordings of programmes on Daily Newsletter on Business broadcast on national television channels in English and Hindi.

Also transcripts for specific programmes on Daily Newsletter on Business.

And short summaries of all recordings on Daily Newsletter on Business.

Social Media Monitor on Daily Newsletter on Business

Get news, articles, videos, graphics and other types of content on Accounting appearing on social media pages of major newspapers, magazines, television channels, radio stations, independent news portals, and social media influencers.

The platforms monitored include Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and others.

The social media content on Daily Newsletter on Business can be organised into thematic sections and prioritised as per need.


24x7 News Alerts on Daily Newsletter on Business

Good news or bad news: Be the first to know. Get relevant news alerts from social media handles and websites of major newspapers, TV channels, and independent news portals.

Get messages on WhatsApp, WeChat or any application of your choice. The messages are sent when the content matches your keywords and other filters such as name of source.

The service is available 24x7 or during business hours.

You can choose to get a compilation every hour or get each news headline as it breaks.

Measurement and Analytics of International Media Coverage on Daily Newsletter on Business

Measurement and Analytics of International Media Coverage on Accounting

  • Measure your coverage in International print media, broadcast media, online media and social media
  • Measure your coverage against competitors and ideal personas
  • Measure coverage by topics, across media types, among major media outlets, by name of entities etc

What gets measured gets done. Measurement will allow you to identify topics of media interest and opportunities for media coverage.


International Media Insights on Daily Newsletter on Business

Transform your data into media insights that can drive your decisions.

Insight on Topics: Capture trending topics and their impact on your reputation.

Insight on Writers: Discover biases in coverage by journalists, social media influencers.

Insight by publishers: Find what type of content in your domain drives publishers.

Press Monitor International API

You can get your news in a variety of API formats to suit your needs.

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) web feeds are available in version 2.0 which is supported by all major browsers and feed readers.

ATOM is a popular format for web feeds which was developed as an alternative to RSS.

REST (Representational state transfer) API offer news content in a JSON format. REST APIs are the most popular format for transfer of data between websites.


Press Monitor Automation

You can integrate Press Monitor news data with more than 10,000 applications using support for web hooks and automation tools.

Press Monitor provides support for webhooks to send structured notifications to your websites and web apps.

Press Monitor integrates with automation platforms such as Zapier.

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